Most Influential Organizations in the Plant-Based World
As vegans living a plant-based lifestyle we are all on the same team spreading the same message. No matter your perspective or vantage point, we are all here to create good in this world. By choosing a plant-based diet you have identified something that you value you have declared you want to make changes that improve your life and/or the lives of others in some way. We admire each and every person that makes the commitment and declares they want more for themselves.
Just like individuals, there are many organizations that have formed out there that are doing some amazing things for the plant-based community. These organizations are out there every day fighting the good fight. they are fighting for a healthier, cleaner and better life.
The efforts of these organizations should not go unnoticed. We want to highlight some of the organizations out there that are powerhouses in the plant-based spaces. Some of the ones that are doing such amazing things to make our world a better place.
As always we do our best to support their efforts as much as possible but we also encourage you to get behind these organizations. We are all part of the same team and together we can change the world.

NutritionFacts.Org is the only non-commercial, nonprofit, science-based website to provide free video updates on the latest in evidence-based nutrition.

Center for Nutrition Studies
The Center is a leader in disease prevention through nutrition education. Beyond a world-class science-driven, online Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate in partnership with eCornell, the Center offers whole food, plant-based resources including a monthly newsletter and engaging social media channels. The Center’s robust website features articles, recipes, educational videos and much more.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
The Physicians Committee combines the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.
Their efforts are dramatically changing the way doctors treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. By putting prevention over pills, doctors are empowering their patients to take control of their own health.

American College of Lifestyle Medicine
ACLM is the medical professional society providing quality education and certification to those dedicated to clinical and worksite practice of Lifestyle Medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable health care system.

Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is the world’s most passionate and powerful protector of ocean life. We are on a mission to defend, conserve and protect the seas and marine wildlife like no organization can.
From its earliest years, Sea Shepherd has embraced the mandate of the United Nations World Charter for Nature to uphold international conservation laws. With the largest private navy on the planet, we collaborate with governments who share our ships and use their authority to intervene and enforce the law.
To save marine wildlife and ecosystems, we take more than a stand. We take action.

Mercy For Animals
Imagine a world free of cruelty, a world in which we nurture our bodies, minds, and spirits with wholesome, healthy food that is kind to animals and sustainable for our planet. Mercy For Animals believes that the world is possible. In fact, it is inevitable if we work together to elevate humanity to its fullest potential.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters.
PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.

Switch 4 Good
Switch4Good is a community of dairy-free athletes, medical professionals & every day active folks who have all learned that cows’ milk is not a health food for humans. We Inform and embolden people to take charge of their health by eliminating dairy.

One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted is on a mission to reforest our planet and provide education, awareness, and engagement on the importance of trees in our ecosystem. We make it simple for you to plant trees. One dollar. One tree.

Engine 2 Plant-Strong
Engine 2 was founded by Rip Esselstyn, a former world-class professional tri-athlete and the son, grandson, and great-grandson of renowned physicians. Rip has energetically educated and engaged a large portion of the community about the wonderful benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.
Engine 2 is involved in everything from public speaking, meal planning, food products, events, and educational podcasts. Engine 2 is a great community to be a part of and is a source of inspiration and education every day.
We are on a mission to redefine the modern athlete. Please feel free to reach out to us at for any additional information you may have or recommend. We are about building community and resources for all to share.